Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is among the few organizations entrusted to use the world-renowned Berkshire Hathaway name. It brings a definitive mark of stability, strength, quality and innovation to the real estate market. We work with two of their top franchisees to develop programs for luxury real estate, developers and residential marketing efforts.

Starck Real Estate Brochure

Starck Real Estate has been family owned for over three generations. Their longevity has been driven by a passionate focus on providing an exceptional client experience. When Starck joined Berkshire Hathaway, they turned to us to communicate their story with a high-end prospecting brochure.

Starck Real Estate brochure cover and interior spread

The Mabadi Group Website

The Mabadi Group is one of the premier real estate companies on the Chicago area’s affluent North Shore. They turned to us to help develop a branding campaign, including website and capabilities materials to help attract home buyers and sellers.

The Mabadi Group website home page, desktop and mobile views
The Mabadi Group brochure with cover in background and interior spread in foreground
Three Koenig %26 Strey Fine Art of Real Estate brochures

Koenig & Strey

We have pretty much done it all for this Berkshire Hathaway company—an elegant company overview brochure, listing presentations for home buyers and sellers, luxury marketing programs and property development programs.

Koenig %26 Strey Properties of Distinction brochure inside spread
Koenig %26 Strey Development Marketing Support brochure